Toulouse, France

Monday, April 23, 2018

Toulouse- la Terre promise

What a week! So much happened! I'll try to remember as much as I can!
Tuesday through Thursday we met with a lot of our amis and members to say goodbye, which was really tough - I'll miss my dear branche de Martigny! 
Friday we drove to Geneva and I said goodbye to Elder Wilkinson and caught a train to Lyon with a bunch of missionaries and we slept in Lyon.
Saturday morning we jumped on the train and four hours later I was in Toulouse! I love this place! We had a rendezvous that evening with an awesome family in the ward (Toulouse Captitole ward) and everyone is literally the coolest! Elder Johnson is just about the nicest person I know and I'm super psyched for this transfer!
Sunday I met the ward! I love this place already! The bishop is incredible, and all of the members I met are so solid! Apparently the ward moves like clockwork and loves the missionaries and I already love them all! And the missionaries here are so much fun - the sisters are from Colombia/Luxembourg and Scotland, and the Concorde Elders are American. 
Today's p-day was awesome! First off, groceries are like half the price as they were in Switzerland, so that was real nice. Then we went clothes shopping in downtown Toulouse with all the missionaries and it turns out Toulouse is basically Lyon but cleaner and mixed with Spain, from what I can figure. Then we met up with a recently returned missionary in our ward and went to a golfing range for a few hours. This place is the greatest and I'm so excited to meet our amis and get to know the missionaries in our zone!
In our rendezvous with la famille Sono on Saturday, we shared a thought on the temple. The daughter, about thirteen years old, had just gotten back from a trip to the Bern temple with the Toulouse stake. She said that when she got there, she cried because she hadn't wanted to come. Then at the end, she cried because she didn't want to leave. I'm so grateful for the temple, and for a loving Heavenly Father who encourages us to be sealed together forever with our families. I'm so grateful for my family too! And I'm so grateful for the chance I have to serve the people of Toulouse!
Merci, je vous aime! Allons-y!
Elder Suisse

Us and the Concorde elders trying out the sunglasses at H&M
The squad

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