Toulouse, France

Monday, October 29, 2018

Zone conference and now we're a trio!

Bonjour tout le monde !
So the subject line pretty much describes my entire week. Wednesday night we got a call from President Giraud-Carrier saying we'd be receiving Elder Purkis to our équipe the following day at zone conference. I've known since he started my mission, he's great! And now we're a trio! So far I'm a fan of the trio life - I'll let you know how it goes.
Here's a few more of my highlights from this week! 
Tuesday was our exchange with the Valence elders. I was with Elder Lewis - super cool guy. We contacted a whole bunch and found like five new amis.
Thursday was zone conference! So good! President and Sœur Giraud-Carrier talked about Elder Cook's visit last week and how we need to be converted to the doctrine of Christ - simply knowing it is not enough. So that's what I've been studying and praying for and I've been learning tons!
Sunday was stake conference. Président Léporé (one of my favorite people ever) and his family are moving to Utah, so conference was full of testimonies and goodbyes. Elder Sabine from the area presidency spoke about how even the little things in our lives are guided by our Heavenly Father. Rien n'est par hasard ! 
Idk if y'all remember Ella, the Nigerian member we ran into on the tram? Well, follow-up miracle! Today we were coming back from the store with our groceries and this horrible rain and snow mix was falling from the sky, and these three new people stop us and say they're from Italy/Nigeria and that they're members of the church and have been looking for the church since they moved here! We might not find tons of interested people, but that makes four members this transfer that we've found and reintroduced to the church haha.
This week we've talked a lot about the little things. God can be seen in every small aspect of our lives! Every tiny step towards our Father is rewarded! Conversion isn't a one time event - growing trees requires time and patience! If you'll make those small, daily changes that seem so monotonous, I promise that God will multiply your efforts and change your heart. I feel so blessed to be able to see the gospel change lives! He's there and He loves us :)
Je vous aime ! 
Elder Suisse 

-Elevator on exchange 
-When it's snowing on pday so you have no choice but to build a fort, eat crêpes and play board games
-We bought artichokes! 
-Matching ties at stake conference with my pal Elder Loh
-Selfies in the office

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