Toulouse, France

Monday, October 15, 2018

Miracles in Saint-Etienne!

Bonjour tout le monde !
This is Elder Suisse, coming at you live from Saint-Étienne, France! Transfers were last week and I'm now serving in a new ville right next to Lyon with Elder Sprague, who was in my zone back in Toulouse. I love it here! It's not Toulouse, but we've been seeing tons of miracles and have been working so hard!
This whole week was kind of a blur, but here's some highlights! 
-We got in contact with a less-active member who the ward had almost given up on. It required lots of sweet-talking, letters from a previous missionary and some cookies, but we'll now be seeing her every week - she's the sweetest and it was a huge miracle that she let us in! 
-The other day we were going to the church and had the feeling that it could wait and that we needed to return to the apartment for lunch instead. We got on the tram and a young woman stopped us and asked if we were Latter-Day Saints. She told us she was a member and that she'd been looking for the church in Saint-Étienne for a couple of weeks but that she hadn't been able to found it. So we took her to church on Sunday and the ward totally took her in! Miracles!
-On Thursday we were in a rendez-vous with an ami we'd found. We taught him the rétablissement and he liked it but was skeptical about the Book of Mormon. We fixed a return rendezvous and said a prayer, then he told us he had a brother who would be interested in our message. He called him right there and put him on speaker phone! The brother was like "Yes I'm interested! Let me shower, I'll be there in 45 minutes ! J'arrive !" We had another rendez-vous in a half hour, so we had to go, but we got his number and were laughing for the rest of the day.
-We have an awesome senior couple called the Bellessas, from Washington, and I love them so much! They travel a lot as part of their assignment, but I'm excited to work with them
-The ward is awesome! I gave a talk on Sunday about Nehemiah 6:3 and how important this work is and how we can't listen to the doubters, and they were so cute and excited. The bishopric are all in their early thirties and everyone is hilarious. I love them. 
-We found an old guitar in the apartment which, when combined with the hot chocolate we bought today and the snow that I'm told will fall soon, will make for some really nice stress relief when times get tough. I'm excited :)
-Today we went to IKEA and also toured a mine here in the city, which was pretty sweet and also creepy. Turns out I don't ever want to work in a mine, no thanks.
Anywho, this place is great and I love being a missionary. Stay positive and diligent and everything works out. 
Je vous aime !! 
Elder Suisse

Pics :
It's just us here in Saint-Étienne and I was a little worried about feeling isolated, so I bought myself an IKEA bamboo.
Elder Sprague's homemade tartiflette. Potatoes, lardons, crème fraîche and reblochon cheese. Possibly the best thing I've ever eaten.
The creepy mine. 
Elder Sprague. We think we're funny. 

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