Toulouse, France

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Zone conference and tortillas!

Bonjour tout le monde !
I can't believe it's been a whole week since the last time I sent one of these! We're already halfway through September! It's been cooling off here, which is much appreciated. Still not cool enough for a sweater, but we don't melt anymore when we step outside! Life's good here in Toulouse :) 
Not a ton happened this week, but we got a lot done and did a lot of service, so success! 
Tuesday was zone conference. We had like 70 people at the chapel and all over Toulouse and it was crazy but really nice go see everyone. Elder Thomas and his companion came in the day before and we got to visit a member together - first rendezvous together since the MTC! Conference was fantastic. We talked a lot about goals and seeing the needs of those around us. The Giraud-Carriers were so good! They were joking with everyone and testifying and wow I love them. Good conference but it's nice to have our apartment back! 
Thursday we did a ton of service. Gardening and cleaning and organizing for a few people in the ward. I used to feel like a day doing service was a day not doing missionary work but honestly, service is a great way to go missionary work, and a key aspect of charity. I love our ward :) 
Friday we had a family home evening with this older lady in our ward named Mercedes, plus the sisters and another sister in the ward. Mercedes made us tortillas - not your run-of-the-mill taco covers - it was like a Spanish omelette potato quiche onion thing. 10/10 would recommend. She kept called Elder Keir and I Tom Cruise and John Trevolta and we all laughed til our sides hurt. 
We didn't get to see many of our amis this week, which was tough, but we're pressing on with smiles. We met two new young people who are interested to learn, and we have rendez-vous with them this week, so more on that later!
I've been studying lots about discerning needs and I've been learning a lot. We're all different! One ami might need to be taught the Word of Wisdom while the next is longing to hear that families can be together forever. We all have different needs and have had different experiences in our lives - the one common ground we all share is that we having a Father in Heaven who loves us and who just wants us to find joy! Child of God is the only label that can truthfully be applied to any and all of us, and I'm so grateful for the chance to let others know they're not alone :)
Je vous aime ! 
Elder Suisse 

Elder Keir and I helping to organize stuff for a family who's moving.
Me and Elder Thomas! 

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