Toulouse, France

Monday, July 31, 2017

I love our Mission!

Bonjour tout le monde!
This week was great! We spent most of the week out of our secteur, which was fun but I'm so happy to be back here in Dijon! It's been raining quite a bit here, which has been a huge blessing! So tired of the heeeeaaaat...

Monday we ate dinner with Soeur Cuisiat, Jean and Ségolène, which was a blast! Jean is super old and is confined to a wheelchair, but he was so sassy, we were all dying the whole time! We talked about patience and how that applies to receiving answers to prayer, which really helped Ségolène, I think. Plus Soeur Cuisiat makes a killer chicken and mushroom rice, so that was a nice plus.

Tuesday was pretty lowkey. We saw Ségolène again in the morning and had a great lesson on the Atonement, then made passbacks and contacted for the rest of the day.

Wednesday was also very chill. We had a rendezvous with a less-active member, proselyted for a while, then drove to Bienne, Switzerland! That place is so cool! It's the only city in our mission that overlaps with the German mission, so we got to meet the Bienne German elders, which was cool, then we slept at the French Elders' apartment.

Thursday we woke up early and drove to Lausanne, where we had an awesome district meeting (Shoutout to Elder Moss. He's been in Besançon since I got to Dijon, and he's finishing his mission in two weeks!). I love our district so much! After our meeting, we drove back to Besançon, where I got to do an exchange with Elder Nasman, a brand new bleu! We contacted and talked to a lot of people, and I got to reminisce about my first transfer days. So weird we're almost to number five already! Time's moving too fast! That evening we ate wtih some members there, and I got to try raclette for the first time! Definitely one of my top five favorite foods ever (pictures enclosed).

Friday we continued our exchange, and I got to meet some really cool people! We had a lesson in one of the parks with a girl named Henriqua, and I met a cool little kid from Sri Lanka. He spoke French and some English (but pretty much only swear words. He asked us for some new ones, and I almost had him convinced that the word "monkey" was super offensive). It was actually really nice to meet some people outside of Dijon. I'll miss this place when I'm gone, but I'm excited to hopefully see some more of France or Switzerland in a couple of weeks!

Saturday we did some service at another member's house and ate hotdogs with them before driving home. That evening we went with Ségolène to a Chinese buffet that we'd found at the other side of Dijon, which was super fun. I learned the hard way that "seiche" is French for "cuttlefish," which made Elder Lutu's day... Also, we got some sad news. Ségolène is leaving with her family for Portugal on Tuesday and won't get back til the end of August, so I probably won't be able to see her again. She'll keep progressing though, and I'm super excited for her and happy I had the chance to get to know her.

Sunday was a blast! We had so many visitors! Apparently there were like three different stake things going on, so we had like fifteen extra people from that. Then we had a random woman and her daughter show up (relatives of one of our members maybe), and they were super interested in learning, so we should start teaching them soon! I didn't have to translate today, so I got to sit with our wonderful amis. After that, the young adults got together and had pizza and invited us, which is always cool. Then that evening we saw an awesome miracle! We passed a less-active family that we've been trying to get a hold of for AGES (la famille Taukafa). They're Tongan, and are never home. But yesterday they were! So they let us in, and Frere Taukafa told us how he wants his almost 9 year old daughter to be baptized, and she agreed, so we taught her the first lesson right there! They fed us some awesome island curry and invited us to come back tonight for the next lesson! Super cool!

Today we played ping pong with an older member, then took advantage of the July soldes one last time before they're over (I bought two sweet ties, in case y'all were wondering). 

Anywho, sorry for the giant email, but it was a crazy week! Lots of fun stuff and some sad news, but overall a blast. So glad to be here in this beautiful place surrounded by incredible people. I love this church! I know it's true! I'm so grateful for a Savior who lived a perfect life so we don't have to. Thank you all for your prayers and emails and I'll talk to you later!

Gros Bisous!
Elder Suisse

The raclette maker thingy. You melt the cheese on the bottom, grill the meet on the top, then put it on some potatoes. Dream come true.
Me and Elder Nasman at an awesome park in Besançon
Me and that one kid who only knows cuss words

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