Toulouse, France

Monday, August 6, 2018

Heat wave and zone conference

Bonjour !
The subject line kind of says it all. It was so hot and humid this week! We've been asked to not go outside more than necessary and to always be drinking water. So lots of planning. Every air conditioned breath is a tender mercy. Besides that it was a pretty sweet week! 
Thursday we had our zone conference! Elder Keir and I had a fun time presenting and playing games with our fantastic zone. Hopefully I'll have the group picture for next week. Side note: I love Président and Sœur Giraud-Carrier! They're so funny and it was great to have them in Toulouse. 
Right after conference we had our exchange with assistants, which went really well. Elder Schulzke and I got to teach some really cool people and we saw some real progression in a few of our amis! We taught our friend Joseph at the patriarch's house, and the lesson couldn't have gone better. We taught about a bunch of stuff, but Joseph probably taught us more. Cool how that usually ends up being the case. 
Friday we went to IKEA, which is always an adventure. Now that we're the only Elders in Toulouse, all the Elders in south-western France will be sleeping in our apartment when a big conference comes around, so we're remodeling to withstand anything. 
Today we made spaghetti with all the équipes in Toulouse and had lunch, and now we're taking a train to Pau for an exchange - should be good! 
This week was really good. Toulouse is great, Elder Keir is awesome and I love being a missionary. I'm learning a lot about being happy with the cards you're dealt. This gospel is one of joy! Yes we're trying to become better and we're always going to mess up, but if you're a practicing Christian and are not happy, something's wrong. We are that we might have joy, even when things don't go how we've planned. So take my advice and smile until you're happy, then help other people to smile too. God will be grateful for the effort and so will you! 

Je vous aime !!! 
Elder Suisse

Spaghetti and garlic bread! 
Quick exchange photo before the APs kicked us into the blazing sun
The Capitole 

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