Toulouse, France

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas Conference and Transfers!

We had such a great week! A little stressful, but so much fun!
Monday was Christmas conference, so we had thirty missionaries staying at our apartment Sunday night. Fun, but let me tell you, not conducive to a good night's sleep. The conference was awesome though! We started off with singing a bunch of Christmas songs, and people performed, and we did a five zone "Twelve Days of Christmas," which started "On the first day of Christmas, my companion said to me..." and our district had the best one - "Fiiiive Mangezvooooouuuuuss!!!" and it was a blast! Then we all put together little bags of candy and Christmas joy, and we all went contacting for a few hours across Lyon. It was definitely pouring rain and freezing cold for most of it, and I was sans manteau, but we had such a blast! THEN we came back and had lunch, and surprise - we all got to watch Cars 3! Then they handed out Christmas presents, and we headed out. It was nice to see all my pals from across the mission.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and most of today have been taken up with the madness that is transfer planning! Turns out I've been pretty sick all week, starting Tuesday (In hindsight, contacting in the rain without a coat for two hours probably wasn't the smartest thing, but it sure was good times), so that was tough. However, Elder Ruben and I managed to get all the tickets bought and everything planned out for transfers this week, and we're still standing! 
So as I'm sure you know, one of my favorite French Christmas traditions is raclette (melted cheese, potatoes and meat), and guess what, we had it twice this week! We also just got back from a member's house where we had turkey and mashed potatoes, and it turns out our ward is actually the best. Then tonight we have our ward Christmas party, which should be awesome, so updates on that next week.
Anywho, that's about all I can remember. I've been really enjoying this year's "Light the World" campaign. I'm trying to incorporate the lessons into my day, and it's been cool to see the results. Service is the best way to get ourselves out of the slumps of depression (or the tension of finals). It's as much a blessing for us as it is for those to whom it's focused, and I'm so grateful for the chance I have to give two years of it to the people here in France and Switzerland. 

Thanks for everything and Merry almost Christmas!
Elder Suisse


Pics (not a lot this week, sorry...):
Elder Ruben and I, plus the Chinese Elders, talking to a nice French lady in the rain

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